I Ain’t As Good As I Once Was

When I turned 43 at the end of December, I promised myself that this would be the year I take care of my body – start exercising more, eating better. But it’s March and things haven’t changed much. Inertia is a powerful force. I finally got myself out of bed early one morning last week…

Yes and No

In a recent discussion with a few friends, the topic of saying no came up. A lot of pop psychology today discusses the benefit of filling your cup before filling other people’s – making sure to take care of yourself first so that you can take care of other people. I once read somewhere that…

And so my 44th year begins…

I turned 43 a couple months ago, and it’s been a rough transition. As I inch closer to the age my mother was when she died, not a day goes by when I don’t think about her. What would she have done, if anything, if she had known that fateful day would be her last?…

Like Obi Greets Tatum

If we are friends on social media, you know that 2 weeks ago, our family got a dog. I can sit here and tell you that this was driven mostly by my teenage daughter’s constant pleading over the last few years, but if I’m being honest, I will tell you that I’ve wanted a dog…


I love listening to podcasts. The problem is that, as a homeschool mom, I am NEVER ALONE. And as much as I’d love to have AirPods in my ears while I’m cooking dinner, working, or homeschooling – it’s kinda rude to the 4 humans around me all day. It’s fine though – I’m more attune…

Protect, Then Educate and Empower

I had a nightmare last night. It involved eating lots of Tylenol gummies (I don’t even think anything like that exists, because if it did, it would be very very stupid) and consuming large amounts without realizing I was poisoning myself. I woke up terrified that I needed to go to the hospital and have…

The Next Thing You Know

While driving in my car to take my daughter and her friends to gymnastics, my Spotify playlist fed me a country song entitled, “Next Thing You Know” by Jordan Davis. The song tells the story of a 20-something dating a girl, moving in together, getting married, having kids, and before he knows it, having grandkids….

Landscaping, Little Chats, And What We Take For Granted

I heard yesterday that our neighborhood’s gardener was in the hospital after he hadn’t been feeling well for a spell. My neighbor told me that he’s likely to retire soon. The news gave me pause to reflect on the past six years we’ve lived here and how important he has been to us. Allow me…

Of Settings, Screen Time, and Content Restrictions

My kids, like any other kids that are growing up today, are faced with an onslaught of technology at all times of the day. They talk to my Alexa during lunch, grab my phone to Google what aioli is, and use their Chromebooks for school. And that’s not including their recreational screen time. As I…