Eat Less. Exercise More.

I worry about my health a lot. I’m one of those people who type their symptoms into Google waaaay too often. So when I was having trouble these last few months losing the few extra pounds I’ve gained this past year, I immediately thought there was something wrong with me. “Can’t lose weight, symptom,” I…

Why Sports, Music, and Drama Are So Important

I have decided: 2021-2022 is the year of extracurriculars in our house. Whatever my kids want to do – golf, sewing, drama, singing, basketball, tennis – you name it, I will go through hell and high water to make it happen. Allow me to explain. I’ve known about the gist of Angela Duckworth’s book Grit…

Why You Should Never Stop Learning

Are there things that you never picked up as a kid but want to try now? Are you too scared because you feel “too old”? I feel you. 2 years ago, I started a regular yoga practice. I love how my yoga teacher calls it a practice, because you are always looking to improve. I…

It’s Not All About You: Caring Without Sharing

I was walking with a friend this weekend and she was telling me about how she is reading a book about different personality types. When your kids’ personality is so vastly different from your own, it’s hard to understand where they’re coming from. For her, it’s been eye-opening to see exactly why her kids do…

Everything Is Alright. Right Now.

Feb 14th, 2007. The memory of that day is seared in my brain forever. It’s funny how memories work, how we don’t remember the details of daily life from a week ago or a month ago, but for certain events – even the smallest details stick out to you. I often replay that morning over…

It All Began With A Desk

It started innocently enough. The week of Christmas, I ordered myself a new desk from Amazon. It came a few days later – in the wrong color. I called Amazon and they said they’d pick it up the following business day, but the right color was out of stock. I hung up the phone, and…

The Big 4-0 And The Choice We Must Make

I was dreading turning 40 the entire year I was 39. It seems silly now, but after the big birthday, I breathed a sigh of relief that it was over. Is that weird? I probably wasted too much time worrying. I tend to do that from time to time (ok, a lot of the time)….

Having Faith. Full Stop.

Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, the former Chief Rabbi of England, died yesterday at the age of 72. The world lost a beacon of light in the tumultuous waters of world history that we’re living in. I did not know Rabbi Sacks personally, but I referred to his teachings weekly when preparing for my classes. When…

When Will The Pandemic End? No One Knows For Sure.

Last week I listened to a podcast about one scientist’s opinion on when the pandemic will end. His take? He is cautiously optimistic that we’ll go back to normal by next summer. And while that seems far off, it’s better than some estimates I’ve heard, so I hope he’s right. I’ve been reading a lot…

Daring Greatly: The Secret to Successful Parenting

It’s the morning after Yom Kippur, the most solemn day of the year on the Jewish calendar, and I am at my computer at 5:17 AM. It’s the 3rd night in a row waking up super early for no reason at all. I am frustrated at the lack of sleep, but I am told, it…