I Already Know You, And I Love You

As a parent, I often struggle. Heck, I feel like that’s the understatement of the year. At the end of the day though, it usually boils down to one overarching question: Am I doing this right? I doubt myself hundreds of times a day, whether it be in the way that I deal with a…

Your Homeschool Curriculum Is More Than Enough

I saw a post on one of my Facebook groups recently that jarred me. Someone was talking about an online virtual school for their kindergartener and asking if it was “enough.” I’ve seen a lot of these posts recently. Parents desperately trying to piece together a full curriculum for their kids – math, reading, language…

Comparing Curriculums, aka Decision Fatigue

If you thought this article was going to be give you all the details on my top 5 picks for homeschool curriculums, you might as well close your browser window now. Wait – don’t do that. I promise, I’ll make it worth your while. Just give me 5 minutes. Nothing good ever comes from Googling….

Testing, Portfolios, And Evaluations, Oh My!

I got a question from a friend starting to homeschool for the first time this year about how I manage portfolios and evaluations and so I decided to write a post to help anyone else who might be a bit confused about the process. So here goes! Homeschool laws vary by state, some have stricter…

To Socialize Or Not To Socialize?

I’ve been getting at least one phone call a week from a friend or an acquaintance considering homeschooling next year and wanting to hear more about it firsthand. They are unsure of where schools will be at in September in terms of distance learning and restrictions in person and would rather be in control of…

6 Ways to Homeschool Without the Books

Ready to throw in the towel with all this school-at-home stuff? The end is nigh, my friends! (Excuse the language. I’ve been watching alot of Downton Abbey, lately.) Some of you may be considering homeschool for next school year, but concerned that you can’t do it yourself. I’m here to tell you — you can!!…

Daily Schedules And When To Throw Them Out The Window

I’ve gotten a lot of questions recently about my homeschool schedule, what it looks like each day, and how I manage “school time.” People have even asked me for a minute-by-minute rundown of my day, wanting to know when I take breaks, how long they are, and what in God’s name do I feed them…

Keep Breathing

I started this post a while ago, but didn’t publish it, since it felt so raw. Now seems like the right time, as many parents are feeling lost and overwhelmed at what to do with their kids at home for the foreseeable future. With that being said, here’s my post from a couple months back,…

11 Games To Keep Your Kids Busy Next Week…or Indefinitely

Over the past day, I’ve gotten a number of texts from friends about what to do with their kids over the next couple weeks while we self-quarantine. I hope to write more posts over the coming days with lots of tips for long days at home, but I figured I’d start with some of my…

You Don’t Have To Be A Teacher To Homeschool

I want to send the record straight. I am not a good homeschooler because I used to be a teacher. When I tell people I homeschool, they usually nod and say knowingly, “Well that makes sense, because you’re a teacher.” And while that may give me a slight leg up in having the perfect teacher…