Where have all the homeschoolers gone?

It definitely feels like there’s some homeschool attrition going on lately. It’s not just me. I’ve spoken to other homeschoolers and they feel it too. These days, the homeschool landscape feels more 2019 than 2021. Maybe it’s the rebound effect. Maybe it’s that we’re just all so done with COVID. It almost feels like the…

Why Sports, Music, and Drama Are So Important

I have decided: 2021-2022 is the year of extracurriculars in our house. Whatever my kids want to do – golf, sewing, drama, singing, basketball, tennis – you name it, I will go through hell and high water to make it happen. Allow me to explain. I’ve known about the gist of Angela Duckworth’s book Grit…

Why You Should Never Stop Learning

Are there things that you never picked up as a kid but want to try now? Are you too scared because you feel “too old”? I feel you. 2 years ago, I started a regular yoga practice. I love how my yoga teacher calls it a practice, because you are always looking to improve. I…

Swimming Upstream: Solving Problems Before You Know They’re There

When my now 8-year old was 3 years old, he was an absolute terror. Like kicking-and-screaming-on-the-floor-of-the-grocery-store terror. Like flailing-his-arms-to squirm-out-of-mine terror. You know the type. The kind of kid that makes you want to huddle in the corner of the bathroom with a bottle of wine. After running through a host of parenting methods that…

Your Homeschool Curriculum Is More Than Enough

I saw a post on one of my Facebook groups recently that jarred me. Someone was talking about an online virtual school for their kindergartener and asking if it was “enough.” I’ve seen a lot of these posts recently. Parents desperately trying to piece together a full curriculum for their kids – math, reading, language…

Comparing Curriculums, aka Decision Fatigue

If you thought this article was going to be give you all the details on my top 5 picks for homeschool curriculums, you might as well close your browser window now. Wait – don’t do that. I promise, I’ll make it worth your while. Just give me 5 minutes. Nothing good ever comes from Googling….

A Difficult (Then Surprisingly Easy) Decision

I thought about homeschooling for many years before we actually started. Like all decisions we make in life, I was scared I’d make the wrong one and regret it later. But the decision was a long-time coming. When we finally decided to pull the trigger, it was the sum total of a few factors: First…

Staying Still

In our homeschool, we usually do “school” only 4 days a week. We sometimes double up on days in our 180-day curriculum and also school pretty much year-round, so we are afforded this little luxury. Since we don’t do traditional school on Friday, we spend a bit of time doing free writing, a concept I…