Protect, Then Educate and Empower

I had a nightmare last night. It involved eating lots of Tylenol gummies (I don’t even think anything like that exists, because if it did, it would be very very stupid) and consuming large amounts without realizing I was poisoning myself. I woke up terrified that I needed to go to the hospital and have…

The Thing about Theater

My kids are turning into live theater snobs. We go to the theater so much with our homeschool group that they get offended and disappointed when they’re not sitting in box seats. Like, “We have to sit down here? With these plebeians?” It’s one of those perks of homeschooling you don’t hear about before you…

Road Trip Essentials You Never Knew You Couldn’t Live Without

I am officially done with my first year of homeschool and we leave on our road trip in three days. Commence the mad dash to get prepared since I can only focus on one major thing at a time and homeschool evaluations were last Thursday. 🙂 Last year at this time, I searched high and…