Protect, Then Educate and Empower

I had a nightmare last night. It involved eating lots of Tylenol gummies (I don’t even think anything like that exists, because if it did, it would be very very stupid) and consuming large amounts without realizing I was poisoning myself. I woke up terrified that I needed to go to the hospital and have…

The Next Thing You Know

While driving in my car to take my daughter and her friends to gymnastics, my Spotify playlist fed me a country song entitled, “Next Thing You Know” by Jordan Davis. The song tells the story of a 20-something dating a girl, moving in together, getting married, having kids, and before he knows it, having grandkids….

Where have all the homeschoolers gone?

It definitely feels like there’s some homeschool attrition going on lately. It’s not just me. I’ve spoken to other homeschoolers and they feel it too. These days, the homeschool landscape feels more 2019 than 2021. Maybe it’s the rebound effect. Maybe it’s that we’re just all so done with COVID. It almost feels like the…

The Space Between

I love yoga!!! Did I mention that? It makes me feel calm, and strong, focused….did I mention strong? I can’t believe what I can do today that I never could do years ago. It’s so beneficial in so many ways. We end each class in the shivasana pose – sort of a deliberate rest period…

I Already Know You, And I Love You

As a parent, I often struggle. Heck, I feel like that’s the understatement of the year. At the end of the day though, it usually boils down to one overarching question: Am I doing this right? I doubt myself hundreds of times a day, whether it be in the way that I deal with a…

It’s Not All About You: Caring Without Sharing

I was walking with a friend this weekend and she was telling me about how she is reading a book about different personality types. When your kids’ personality is so vastly different from your own, it’s hard to understand where they’re coming from. For her, it’s been eye-opening to see exactly why her kids do…

Daring Greatly: The Secret to Successful Parenting

It’s the morning after Yom Kippur, the most solemn day of the year on the Jewish calendar, and I am at my computer at 5:17 AM. It’s the 3rd night in a row waking up super early for no reason at all. I am frustrated at the lack of sleep, but I am told, it…

Swimming Upstream: Solving Problems Before You Know They’re There

When my now 8-year old was 3 years old, he was an absolute terror. Like kicking-and-screaming-on-the-floor-of-the-grocery-store terror. Like flailing-his-arms-to squirm-out-of-mine terror. You know the type. The kind of kid that makes you want to huddle in the corner of the bathroom with a bottle of wine. After running through a host of parenting methods that…

Comparing Curriculums, aka Decision Fatigue

If you thought this article was going to be give you all the details on my top 5 picks for homeschool curriculums, you might as well close your browser window now. Wait – don’t do that. I promise, I’ll make it worth your while. Just give me 5 minutes. Nothing good ever comes from Googling….

6 Ways to Homeschool Without the Books

Ready to throw in the towel with all this school-at-home stuff? The end is nigh, my friends! (Excuse the language. I’ve been watching alot of Downton Abbey, lately.) Some of you may be considering homeschool for next school year, but concerned that you can’t do it yourself. I’m here to tell you — you can!!…